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Welcome to Tero's OH7WP and OH7K Web site!

QTH in old building. Build 1859 in village Oskola. Locator KP52GK.  Oskola is part of Joensuu city, abt. 55 km from actual city.

Operator born 1968 and work in my forestry-farm same location as ham-station.

These days live in Joensuu city with my wife Sirpa and son Antero.

QSL LOTW or direct.

Station info

Special thanks for help

Station antennas and towers:

- Tower 1: 36m rotatable 4/4 yagis for 14MH and 3el yagi 7MHz, (Remote control)

- Tower 2: 36m rotatable. 2el yagi 3,6 MHz.

- Tower 3: 36m rotatable. 5/5 yagi for 14MHz and 6el yagi 21 MHz.

- Tower 4: 24m rotatable. Vertical and yagi 144 MHz and 4el yagi 10MHz, 8el yagi 50MHz.

- Tower 5: 42m rotatable 6/6/6 yagis for 21MHz, 6el yagi 28MHz.

- Tower 6: 36m rotatable 5/5/5 yagis for 28MHz and 4/4 yagis 18MHz

- Tower 7: 52m rotatable 3/3 yagis for 7MHz

- Tower 8: 24m rotatable JP-2000 3-bander and 6el yagi for 28MHz (Remote control OH7AB)

- Tower 9: as vertical 80/160m fed 6m up from ground, triangle tower 36m long with 20 40 meters long radials.

- Tower 10: 36m not rotatable. Antennas under construction.


Station includes 5 operator points at moment and CO's remote station.

Radios  Yaesu FTdx-101MP, Yaesu FTdx-101D, 2x Yaesu 5000, Yaesu 2000d and home made amps with GU43b, GS35, YC156 tubes. Factory build linear amps OM4001A, 2x OM3500 and Commander 2500.


  • Vesa OH7XI station co-partner, technical solutions, tower weldings and station buildings
  • Taneli OH7MA antenna and technical help.
  • Panu OH7CW antenna help, contest program curu.
  • Rane OH7CQ tower monkey, electronical solutions
  • Eikka OH7ER numerous antenna works, computer assistance
  • Pepe OH7FAE antenna help, homepage creating.



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Communities & Forums

OskolaLook at my new online photo album filled with pictures from Oskola.  
  • OH7AB North Karelia radio club

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This site was last updated 10/25/23